
Welcome to the 法律系的 Program at the 道成肉身的大学. 法律预科是一门跨学科的课程,旨在提高学生在法学院取得成功所需的技能.


Law is a fascinating and broad field that offers dozens of career paths. 考虑从事法律职业的校本本科生可以调整他们的学习,使他们走上成功进入法学院的正确道路.

学生 from any major can pursue – and do well in – law school. There is no one major that law schools focus on in reviewing applicants. 而, 哪些法学院, 以及法律职业, 需要的是全面发展的人,他们有敏锐的批判性思维能力和良好的写作能力.

The 法律系的 concentration enhances any major, from the sciences to the humanities, 在任何研究领域. 政治学课程, 哲学, Communications and English strengthen students understanding of the U.S. 法律制度与政治, 批判性思维, 分析性写作和沟通技巧为学生在法学院入学考试(LSAT)和第一年的法律课程中取得优异成绩做好准备.

In addition to the courses for credit, 法律预科课程举办与法律实践相关的活动和活动, 比如模拟法庭比赛, 学生法律预科社团, participation in law school admission fairs and conferences, and presentations by members of the legal community.


  • What are the school's education priorities and distinctive characteristics?
  • How good are the faculty members as classroom teachers?
  • How accessible is the faculty and its administration?
  • 学生们是什么样的?
  • How are the students treated by faculty and administrative staff?
  • Is the curriculum sufficiently broad?
  • What special programs, if any, are offered?
  • 在校园里是什么感觉?
  • Does the school offer a safe, comfortable learning environment?
  • How well do students do on their bar examinations?
  • How well does the school prepare its students to be honest, 道德, effective members of the legal profession?
  • 这所学校如何让学生在自己感兴趣的特定领域实习?
  • Are there adequate library resources?
  • 成本是多少??
  • 什么经济援助是可用的?
  • What is the likelihood of being admitted?
  • What is the nature of the surrounding community?
  • 毕业生是否找到了既让个人满意又对社会重要的合适工作?
  • 有多少机会可以看到和听到法律界的国家和州领导人啊?
  • Are the faculty positive role models?
  • Is the school's reputation on the rise, static or declining?
  • How do alumni feel about their legal education?
  • 学校规模和班级规模:你喜欢更大的学校,课程种类更丰富吗, 但也许在一个更没有人情味的环境里,教师对个人的关注也会减少, 或者你想要一个更小的学校,更个性化的感觉,也许更多的教师互动, but fewer choices in elective courses.
  • 地理位置和环境:你喜欢大城市还是小城市? What about the surrounding area, quality of life, etc.?
  • Library and other facilities: What is the quality of library collections, computerized legal research services, 足够的员工, 研究/会议空间, 开放时间?
  • 学校的一般“个性”:你对他们的文学有什么印象, 你会见的代表? 你是在寻找一个更激烈、更有竞争力的环境,还是更有归属感的环境?
  • Special interest areas: combined degree programs; specialized courses, 临床项目, publications or student organizations in your area of interest; part-time or evening programs; early graduation.
  • 学生/教师比例:全日制学生与全日制教师的比例不建议超过30:1.
  • 学生群体:你如何适应以前录取的学生的GPA和LSAT平均成绩? How balanced and diverse is the student body? 学生的士气如何? Do students have input in the operation of the school?
  • 教员多样性:他们基本上都来自相同的背景,还是在种族方面相对多样化, 种族背景, 性别? 他们的教育经历是否均衡,还是只来自同一所学校? What is the extent of their research and professional activities?
  • 教师与学生的关系:教师是否平易近人,并致力于教学? 是否有“门户开放”政策?
  • 是否有机会参加临床项目、写作、法律评论、模拟法庭等.?
  • What student support programs are available? If applicable, what minority or disabled student services are available?
  • What placement services are offered for summer clerkships? 有哪些职业服务可以帮助你调查你的选择并在毕业时找到工作? 在大多数毕业生参加律师资格考试的州,律师资格考试的通过率是多少? What is the placement record for graduates? 毕业生在你感兴趣的地理区域找到工作了吗? What are the average or median salaries of graduates?
  • 入学成本:考虑学费和生活成本,因为学校和城市之间的差异很大. 你不能忽视成本,但你也不能把它作为你的唯一标准. Consider the cost and potential indebtedness along with the other factors, and make sure you are choosing the right schools for the right reasons.
  • Where do the students find employment? (地方、地区、全国)
  • Do students go to large, small, medium firms? 政府? 公司?
  • 学校是否致力于培养对公益事业感兴趣的学生? 它是如何为这些学生服务的? Is there any loan forbearance for such careers?
  • How many firms interview at the school and from what parts of the country?
  • Do students participate in any job fairs?
  • 是否有一个关系网可以帮助你在特定的地理区域或你感兴趣的法律领域找到工作?
  • Is there a support network for students seeking judicial clerkships?
  • What percentage of students seek and get clerkships? 职员都在哪里?
  • 你所在城市的学生在学年期间是否有当职员的机会?
  • 你的三年级学生中有多少人在寒假前找到了工作?
  • What resources do you provide for minority students?
  • 职业介绍所为学生提供了多少工作, and how many students find jobs on their own? How many full-time employees work in the placement office?
  • What career services are offered to students and graduates?
  • What percentage of graduating students find jobs? How many find jobs through on-campus recruiting?
  • What percentage of graduates practice in the region around your school?
  • 你如何帮助学生和毕业生在学校周边地区以外找到工作?
  • What kinds of jobs do your graduates take after law school?
  • 有多少学生通过法学院找到暑期或兼职工作?
  • 班级排名对毕业生求职成功的影响有多大?


美国法学院要求申请人参加法学院入学考试(LSAT)。, which is prepared by and administered by the 法学院录取 Council (LSAC).

The LSAT is not a test of knowledge; rather it is a test of 批判性思维 ability, 阅读理解和写作. 学生 can prepare for the exam individually, 使用书本和练习测试, 也可以参加由商业公司提供的LSAT备考课程.


申请法学院, 学生提交申请, letters of recommendation (or electronic evaluations), 个人陈述, 一个个人简历, all academic transcripts and LSAT scores. 然而,学生不必为每个法学院准备单独的提交材料. 法学院要求申请人使用LSAC作为申请材料的门户.

Even as early as freshman year, students are encouraged to visit the LSAC网站, 哪个网站提供了大量关于法学院和申请流程的信息,并创建了一个账户. 然后, 在大三或大四的时候, students pay a fee to the LSAC to start building application materials.

每个学生都必须做出最适合他们个人需求的选择——但是要做到这一点, 完成一些严肃的研究, 计划一次拜访. 法律预科顾问有许多法学院的材料可供参考. LSAC和 美国律师协会 (ABA) also publish an annual Official Guide to ABA-approved Law Schools, available in the pre-law advisor's office. 另外, LSAC的网站上有关于每个法学院的大量信息,并链接到各个法学院 LSAC Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools.


法律预科学生会 and Activities


考虑法律的校本学生被鼓励加入校本法律预科社团, which usually meets once a month during the school year. 法律预科协会接待了许多来自地区的招生代表, 美国律师协会认证的法学院. 定期, the 法律系的 Society has organized trips to law schools, including Texas Tech University and the University of Texas at Austin, for tours and participation in live or mock classes. 博士联系. 布兰登Metroka metroka@uiwtx.edu to be added to the Society's Canvas, 参与和其他社交媒体页面,并学习如何加入该组织.


uw鼓励学生参加每年秋天在UTSA举行的法学院博览会. 另外, students may take a trip to Houston to the annual Law School Forum, sponsored by the 法学院录取 Council. Finally, you are encouraged to tour St. Mary's Law School here in San Antonio as well as other nearby law schools.